Mastering GitHub Actions: A Complete Guide to CI/CD with Docker, Kubernetes, and KIND

By Rajesh Gheware


In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) are critical for rapid and reliable software delivery. GitHub Actions is a powerful tool that automates your software workflows, allowing for faster and more efficient processes. In this article, we’ll explore how to implement GitHub Actions using a real-world Python application, weather-py, as an example.


  • A basic understanding of Git and GitHub.
  • Familiarity with Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Access to the weather-py GitHub repository here.

Step 1: Understanding the Application

Before diving into GitHub Actions, let’s understand our application:

  • Repository: weather-py, available at the provided link.
  • Dockerfile: Specifies the environment for running the app. View it here.
  • Application Description: Found in the README here.
  • Kubernetes Deployment Manifest: Outlines how the app is deployed in Kubernetes. Available here.

Step 2: Setting Up GitHub Actions

  1. Create a Workflow File:In your repository, navigate to .github/workflows.Create a new file named ci.yml. You can view an example here.
  2. Define Workflow Triggers:Specify when the workflow should run. Common triggers are on push or pull_request events.
on: [push, pull_request]

Step 3: Configuring Jobs

  1. Setup the Job Environment:Define jobs and the operating system.
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  1. Define Steps for CI:Steps include checking out the code, setting up Python, building the Docker image, etc.
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Python
  uses: actions/setup-python@v2
    python-version: '3.x'
- name: Build and Push Docker image
  run: |
    docker build -t weather-app .
    docker push weather-app

Step 4: Integrating with Docker and Kubernetes

  1. Docker Integration:Ensure the Dockerfile is properly set up for building the image.Add steps in your workflow to build and push the Docker image to a registry.
  2. Kubernetes Deployment:Use the deployment.yaml to define how your application is deployed in Kubernetes.Add steps in your workflow for deploying to Kubernetes, which might include setting up kubectl, applying the manifest, etc.

Step 5: Testing with KIND and Docker Hub Integration

Testing is a crucial part of any CI/CD pipeline, ensuring that your application performs as expected before it reaches production. KIND (Kubernetes IN Docker) is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container nodes, which is ideal for testing. Here’s how to integrate KIND-based testing in your GitHub Actions workflow:

Setting Up KIND Cluster

  • Install KIND: In your workflow, add a step to install KIND. This creates a local Kubernetes cluster for testing.
- name: Install KIND
  run: |
    curl -Lo ./kind$(uname)-amd64
    chmod +x ./kind
    ./kind create cluster
  • Deploy to KIND Cluster: Use the Kubernetes manifest (deployment.yaml) to deploy your application to the KIND cluster.
- name: Deploy to KIND
  run: |
    kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
  • Run Tests: Implement your testing strategy, whether it’s integration tests, end-to-end tests, or any other form of automated testing.

Docker Hub Integration

Using Docker Hub for storing Docker images is a common practice. Ensure to personalize the workflow to push the Docker image to your Docker Hub account.

  1. Modify Docker Image Tag: Change the image tag in your Dockerfile and Kubernetes manifest to reflect your Docker Hub username.In ci.yml, replace weather-app with <your-docker-hub-username>/weather-app.Also, make this change in your deployment.yaml file to pull the correct image.
  2. Add Docker Hub Credentials: Securely add your Docker Hub credentials to your GitHub project’s settings.Go to your GitHub repository settings.Navigate to Secrets and add two new secrets: DOCKER_USERNAME and DOCKER_PASSWORD with your Docker Hub credentials.In your ci.yml, use these credentials to login and push the image to Docker Hub.
- name: Login to Docker Hub
  run: echo ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} | docker login -u ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} --password-stdin
- name: Push to Docker Hub
  run: |
    docker tag weather-app <your-docker-hub-username>/weather-app
    docker push <your-docker-hub-username>/weather-app

Testing with a KIND cluster in GitHub Actions provides a reliable, isolated environment mimicking a real Kubernetes cluster. This setup, combined with Docker Hub integration, forms a robust foundation for your CI/CD pipeline, ensuring that your application is thoroughly tested before deployment.

Remember to modify your workflow file (ci.yml) and Kubernetes manifest (deployment.yaml) with your Docker Hub username and update the GitHub Secrets with your Docker Hub credentials for a smooth CI/CD process.


Implementing CI/CD with GitHub Actions enhances your development workflow by automating integration and deployment processes. By leveraging this powerful tool, teams can achieve faster, more reliable software releases.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

  • Experiment with different triggers and actions.
  • Continuously monitor and optimize your workflows for better performance and efficiency.

Further Exploration

  • Explore advanced GitHub Actions features like caching dependencies or setting up matrix builds for different environments.
  • Integrate with other tools and services to further streamline your CI/CD pipeline.

Sharing Knowledge and Insights

  • Share your learnings and improvements with your team and the broader community.
  • Contribute to open source projects or write about your experiences to help others learn.

Remember, the key to effective CI/CD with GitHub Actions lies in continuous experimentation and learning. Stay curious and keep innovating!


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