Unpacking DNS in Kubernetes: How It Works and Why It Matters

By Rajesh Gheware

As the backbone of service discovery in the cloud-native world, Domain Name System (DNS) within Kubernetes plays a pivotal role in how applications discover and communicate with each other across service boundaries. Understanding the intricacies of DNS can significantly enhance the stability and efficiency of your applications, especially in industries like finance where reliability and response times are crucial.

Why DNS in Kubernetes?

In traditional IT infrastructure, DNS resolves names to IP addresses. In Kubernetes, this concept extends to services and pods, facilitating dynamic IP assignment and service discovery. This is essential because, in a Kubernetes environment, pods and IPs are ephemeral and can change frequently.

CoreDNS: Kubernetes’ DNS Server

Kubernetes uses CoreDNS as its default DNS server, replacing Kube-DNS. CoreDNS is a flexible, extensible DNS server that can serve as the Service Discovery mechanism in a Kubernetes cluster. Here’s a basic configuration snippet of CoreDNS:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: coredns
  namespace: kube-system
  Corefile: |
    .:53 {
        kubernetes cluster.local in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa {
          pods insecure
          fallthrough in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa
        prometheus :9153
        forward . /etc/resolv.conf
        cache 30

This configuration allows CoreDNS to handle DNS requests within your Kubernetes cluster, forwarding non-cluster domain queries to upstream DNS (defined in /etc/resolv.conf).

How DNS Works in Kubernetes

When you create a Kubernetes Service, it is automatically assigned a DNS entry. This is crucial in a microservices architecture where services need to communicate frequently. Here’s how the process works:

  1. Service Creation: When a service is created in Kubernetes, it gets a DNS name in the format <service-name>.<namespace-name>.svc.cluster.local, which resolves to the service’s IP.
  2. DNS Lookup: Pods within the same namespace can query the service simply by using the service name. Pods in different namespaces need to use the full DNS name.

Use Case in the Financial Industry

Consider a microservices-based banking application deployed on Kubernetes, where each microservice handles a different aspect of the banking process:

  • Transaction Service: Handles transactions and needs to communicate with the Account Management and Compliance services.
  • Account Management Service: Manages user accounts.
  • Compliance Service: Ensures transactions comply with regulatory requirements.

Using Kubernetes DNS, the Transaction Service can reliably discover and communicate with the Account Management and Compliance services using their DNS names, regardless of the actual IP addresses, which may change due to pod rescheduling or scaling operations.

Why It Matters

The dynamic nature of service locations in Kubernetes environments makes DNS essential for seamless service discovery and communication. For the financial industry, this means:

  • Reliability: Services can locate and communicate with each other consistently, despite changes.
  • Scalability: As services scale due to load, DNS ensures new instances are discoverable without configuration changes.
  • Security: DNS can integrate with network policies to restrict which services can resolve and communicate with others, enhancing security.


DNS in Kubernetes is not just a utility but a fundamental component that supports the dynamic discovery and robustness of your applications. By leveraging DNS effectively, organizations in the finance sector can ensure that their applications are both scalable and reliable, maintaining high availability and compliance with industry standards.

Understanding and configuring DNS appropriately in your Kubernetes cluster will empower your applications with the flexibility and resilience needed to handle the dynamic nature of modern cloud environments.


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